Ce sunt modulele cookie?

Modulele cookie sunt fișiere mici care pot fi utilizate de site-urile web pentru a eficientiza experiența utilizatorului. Puteți afla mai multe informații despre modulele cookie la adresa www.allaboutcookies.org

Legea prevede că putem stoca module cookie în computerul dumneavoastră dacă acestea sunt esențiale pentru funcționarea acestui site, dar avem nevoie de permisiunea dumneavoastră înainte de a folosi orice alt tip de modul cookie.

Modulele cookie pe care le folosim

Pe site-ul nostru, folosim următoarele tipuri de module cookie:

  • Tipul modulelor cookie – Module cookie de performanță
  • Numele modulului cookie – _ga
  • Scopul modulului cookie – Aceste module cookie colectează informații despre modul în care vizitatorii utilizează un site web, de exemplu, care este pagina pe care o vizitează cel mai des. Aceste module cookie nu colectează informații care identifică un vizitator. Un exemplu de acest tip de modul cookie este Google Analytics, care oferă un serviciu gratuit de analiză web pentru proprietarii site-urilor web.

Atunci când accesați www.produceinvestments.co.uk („site-ul nostru”) modulele cookie menționate mai sus sunt adăugate automat în computerul dumneavoastră. Puteți alege să blocați modulele cookie activând setarea din brower-ul dumneavoastră care vă permite să refuzați setarea tuturor sau a unor module cookie.



Default expiration time

This cookie is automatically generated by asp.net. It is created the first time application is accessed over the browser.

End of browser session
  XSRF-Token Cookie that is used for storing CSFR token End of browser session
  XSRF-V   End of browser session

This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count.

This cookie is set by Eloqua as part of the traffic analysis used in a similar vein to Google Analytics and Get Clicky. This is used internally within GSMA.

2 years

This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service.

2 years


Google Analytics cookies  


Default expiration time

Used to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing __utma cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.

2 years from set/update

Used to determine new sessions/visits. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing __utmb cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.

30 mins from set/update

Not used in ga.js. Set for interoperability with urchin.js. Historically, this cookie operated in conjunction with the __utmb cookie to determine whether the user was in a new session/visit.

End of browser session
  _utmt Used to throttle request rate. 10 mins

Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached your site. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.

6 months from set/update
  ga Used to distinguish users 2 years
  gat Used to throttle request rate 10 mins 


Addthis cookies  


Default expiration time

Addthis cookies track which of the social networking options you use (email a friend, send to Facebook etc.) This information is only collected in aggregate form so we can tell which are the most popular tools.

2 years
  loc .addthis.com 2 years
  uid .addthis.com 2 years
  um .addthis.com 2 years
  uvc .addthis.com 2 years
  Vc .addthis.com  

_conv_v - is the visitor centric cookie that has a lifetime of one year from the last update time. It is a string of star(*) separated pieces; each piece is a string that contains key and value strings glued together by colon (:)

  • vi : - visitor ID string;
  • sc : sessions count; number of session for this visitor;
  • cs : current session start timestamp
  • fs : first session start timestamp
  • pv : number of pageviews for this visitor across all sessions
  • ps : previous session start timestamp
  • exp : json like structure
1 year

Same structure as _conv_v.

  • si - session ID; starts at 1 and increases with each new session
  • pv - number of page views in the current session
20 mins

cookie that holds the referral data for the current visitor. This is overwritten each time visitor comes from a new referrer. Structure same as above using the following keys:

  • s : source name - domain name of the referrer or the provided value through the corresponding utm variable
  • m : referral medium  or the provided value through the corresponding utm variable
  • t : referrer search terms automatically picked from search engines or manually feeded through the corresponding utm variable


Custom Cookies          Default expiration time
  produceinvestments_cookie Used when user accepts cookie policy. End of day

Acordul dumneavoastră

Făcând clic pe file „Accept module cookie” din ferestra de tip pop-up Cookie de pe site-ul nostru sau continuând să utilizați site-ul nostru, noi vom considera că v-ați dat acordul pentru utilizarea modulelor cookie numite mai sus.


Dacă aveți întrebări cu privire la informațiile dumneavoastră personale sau alte întrebări legate de modul în care folosim informațiile, vă rugăm să ne contactați la web.queries@greenvale.co.uk.